Plan miasta Tonezh

Tonezh - Najnowsze wiadomości:

Belarus/Georgia relations, Brown coal, Polish spy case, Economy ...

The greatest deposits are found in Gomel region (Zhitkovichi, Tonezh, Brinev deposits). As to the their quality properties, the Belarusian coals are similar to those of the South Urals basin (Russia) and the Dnieper basin (Ukraine) ...
źródło: BlogSearch

Global Voices in English ? China: Put the E back in APEC

Perhaps anticipating a debate on (re)distribution of regional representation, Phoenix Television blogger Distant Horizon sets the tone [zh] for discussion on China's increasingly heavy and faceted presence in the region: ...
źródło: BlogSearch

Belarus/Georgia relations, Brown coal, Polish spy case, Economy ...

The greatest deposits are found in Gomel region (Zhitkovichi, Tonezh, Brinev deposits). As to the their quality properties, the Belarusian coals are similar to those of the South Urals basin (Russia) and the Dnieper basin (Ukraine) ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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